Outlying Fells of Lakeland in 34 Walks

Route Twenty-nine: Sleddale Yomp

Outlying Fells: Fewling Stones, Great Ladstones, Great Saddle Crag, Great Wether Howe, Howes, Langhowe Pike, Nabs Moor, Seat Robert, Sleddale Pike, Ulthwaite Rigg, Wasdale Pike

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Wet Sleddale
Grid Ref: NY 55490 11438
Distance: 12.4 miles (19.8 km)
Climbing: 805 metres
Walk time: 6 hours
Outlying Fells: 11

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Walking the Outlying Fells of Lakeland:

I provide maps, statistics and route files in .gpx and Google Earth .kmz data forms for each walk in the compilation. For a detailed description of each outlying fell as originally described by Alfred Wainwright you will need to source the book. A link is provided below.

The Outlying Fells Of Lakeland

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Outlying Fells
Wainwright's Book
The Outlying Fells

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