Abbeys Amble

A 104 miles long distance path in the Yorkshire Dales linking three Yorkshire abbeys; Fountains Abbey, Bolton Abbey and Jervaulx Abbey and three Yorkshire castles; Ripley Castle, Bolton Castle and Middleham Castle. With map, statistics and gpx route file.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Ripon Distance: 104 miles (169 km) Climbing: 2,592 metres
Grid Ref: SE 31093 70986 Walk Time: 48 hours Days: 5-7
GPX Route File Google Earth File About Ripon
Start: Ripon Distance: 104 miles (169 km)
Grid Ref: SE 31093 70986 Walk Time: 48 hours
Climbing: 2,592 metres Days: 5-7
GPX Route File Google Earth File
Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Abbeys Amble is a circular walk of 104 miles which begins in the North Yorkshire City of Ripon. It links three Yorkshire abbeys - Fountains Abbey, Bolton Abbey and Jervaulx Abbey and three Yorkshire castles - Ripley Castle, Bolton Castle and Middleham Castle. Much of the walk is within the Yorkshire Dales National Park with Wharfedale and Wensleydale prominently featured. The walk also covers the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Beauty. The length of the walk is ideal for a week long hike with towns and villages well placed for accommodation opportunites.

Abbeys Amble

Useful Links:
Long Distance Walkers Association
Brigantes Walking Holidays
Abbeys Amble Guide Book

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