National Trails and Long Distance Paths Directory

The National Trails and Long Distance Paths Directory is dedicated to the creators, champions and maintainers of all the National Trails and Long Distance Footpaths in Great Britain.

National Trails and Long Distance Footpath Directory

Click on a placemark on the map to go to a National Trail which begins in that particular location.

Each National Trail has a weblink which directs you to a page with details for each National Trail of the best web sites for:

  • General Information

  • Planning the walk

  • Guided Walk Providers

  • Accommodation Booking Services

  • Baggage Transfer Services

  • Journals and photographs from fellow walkers who have completed all (or part) of the Long Distance Path

  • Health and Safety information and practical emergency information

  • Rescue Organisations

To read about the function of the National Trails and Long Distance Path Directory click here

To view the most comprehensive list of all the known Long Distance Paths in the UK click here

To suggest a site for inclusion on a National Trail page or to suggest a Long Distance Path not listed in the Long Distance Paths Directory please complete the Walking Englishman Feedback Form. Thank you.


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