During the mid 18th century, William Aislabie established a circuit between his estates at Studley Royal and Hackfall with carriageways, bridges and vistas forming a private route for his family. The Aislabies created a vast ‘picturesque landscape’ that included Studley Royal, Laver Banks and Hackfall. This circuit remained until the early 19th century thanks to the growing popularity of Hackfall and Studley Royal. Unfortunately by the late 19th century it had fallen out of use and the exact route has now been lost. However, there are enough clues and evidence to piece together much of this circuit, with a little ‘artistic licence’ to fill in the gaps whilst also taking in some of the other fascinating points of historic interest along the way. It is not a historically accurate route, but more of a walking route that explores the historical landscape so you may experience the ‘picturesque’ circuit of Studley Royal, Laver Banks and Hackfall as William Aislabie originally intended some 250 years ago. (Source: