Altrincham Circular

A 19 miles long distance path which circles the Lancashire town of Altrincham. Many of the townfolks favourite places are visited on the route. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Timperley
Distance: 19 miles (31 km)
Grid Ref: SJ771901
Climbing: 174 metres
Walk time: 10-14 hours
Days: 1-2

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Altrincham Circular is a walking route around the town of Altrincham. From the beginning of the walk in West Timperley the walk goes in a clockwise direction and circumnavigates the town via Roundgate, Brooks Drive, Davenport Green, Hale Barns, Ashley (via motorway bridge and underpass), Castle Hill (motte and bailey), Little Bollington, Dunham Massey Hall and Deer Park, Dunham New Park, Oldfield Brow, Broadheath and Sinderland Brook.

Useful Links:
Long Distance Walkers Association

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