Beeches Way

A 16 miles long distance footpath which connects the River Thames at Cookham with the Grand Union Canal at West Drayton. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Cookham
Distance: 16 miles (25 km)
Grid Ref: SU896854
Climbing: 186 metres
Walk time: 6-8 hours
Days: 1

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Beeches Way walking route was developed by the Iver and District Countryside Association. It connects the River Thames at Cookham with the Grand Union Canal at West Drayton and in doing so it passes through several ancient woodlands. From the start of the walk in Cookham the walk visits Woolman's Wood, Hedsor, Bristles Wood, Littleworth Common, Dorney Wood, Burnham Beeches Nature Reserve, Farnham Common, Brockhurst Wood, Stoke Common, Fulmer, Blackpark Lake (Black Park Country Estate), Langley Park Country Estate, Love Green and Iver before finishing in Yiewsley.

Useful Links:
Pete's Beeches Way Walk
Long Distance Walkers Association

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