Birmingham Greenway Walk

A 23 miles long distance footpath which cuts through the heart of the city of Birmingham, and in doing so seeks out the greenspaces, parks and recreational areas of city. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Camp Farm
Distance: 23 miles (37 km)
Grid Ref: SK117012
Climbing: 410 metres
Walk time: 8-12 hours
Days: 1-2

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: If there was ever a competition for which long distance footpath which qualified most as an urban exploration then the Birmingham Greenway would be a contender. The walk crosses Birmingham from the north east boundary to the south western edge and uses many of the city’s green spaces. From the beginning north-east of Birmingham at Camp Farm on the junction of Watford Gap Road and Hillwood Common Road the route travels via Mill Pond, Four Oaks, Bracebridge Pool, Sutton Park National Nature Reserve, Kingstanding, Perry Common, Stockland Green Boating Lake, Aston Hall and Bordesley on a sweep around the east of Central Birmingham. The route continues to Balsall Heath and past Edgbaston Cricket Ground to Cannon Hill, continuing to Ten Acres, Stirchley and Bournville. The greenway leaves the city via Northfield and Longbridge before crossing Cofton Park to finish within sight of Lickey Hills.

Useful Links:
Birmingham Greenways
Long Distance Walkers Association

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