Chalkland Way

A long distance walk of 40 miles which explores the chalk uplands of the Yorkshire Wolds. Pocklington, Great Givendale, Bishop Wilton, Bugthorpe, Thixendale, Fimber, Wetwang and Huggate are visited during the walk. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Pocklington
Distance: 40 miles (64 km)
Grid Ref: SE802488
Climbing: 1,342 metres
Walk time: 16-24 hours
Days: 2-4

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Chalkland Way is a 40-mile circular walking route on the beautiful Yorkshire Wolds, Britain's most northerly chalk outcrop, linking the villages of Great Givendale, Bishop Wilton, Bugthorpe, Thixendale, Fimber, Wetwang and Huggate. Most walkers start and finish at Pocklington, a pleasant market town with plenty of eating and drinking establishments, and some overnight accommodation. Pocklington is situated about a mile north of the A1079 Beverley to York road, and is served by regular buses between York and Beverley. (Source: Chalkland Way)

Useful Links:
Chalkland Way
Walking The Riding
Long Distance Walkers Association

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