Chesterfield Round Walk

A long distance walk of 34 miles in the Derbyshire Peak District area which completes a circuit of the boundary of Chesterfield. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Common Side
Distance: 34 miles (55 km)
Grid Ref: SK339753
Climbing: 192 metres
Walk time: 13-17 hours
Days: 2-3

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Chesterfield Round Walk is a popular well maintained walking route which encircles the Derbyshire town of the Crooked Spire. Starting to the north-west of Chesterfield at Common Side the walk heads east and south across rolling farmland and varied types of countryside before encountering restored industrial landscapes south of the town. The northward leg is one of high moorland, woodland, ancient industrial remains and reservoirs. Places visited on the Chesterfield Round Walk are Common Side, Monk Wood, Unstone, Hundall, West Handley, Nether Handley, New Whittington, Brimington, Calow, Sutton Scarsdale, Heath, Williamsthorpe Ponds Nature Reserve, North Wingfield, Clay Cross, Old Tupton, Bole Hill, Stone Edge, Nether Loads, Hemming Green, Linacre Reservoir, Ingmanthorpe and Newgate.

Useful Links:
Chesterfield Ramblers
Long Distance Walkers Association

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