The Churnet Valley Geiotrail, subtitled "True Grits and Ghosts of
a Great Industrial Past" is the result of a project managed by Richard Waller and Ian Stimpson on behalf of the Staffordshire RIGS Group with financial support from the Staffordshire Aggregates Levy Grant Scheme 2007. As the Churnet Valley header information board states "This geotrail is designed to give the visitor a glimpse of the rocks, minerals, fossils and industrial heritage of the area which is intimately linked to the local geology. Further information boards around the geotrail walking route lend further information to the particular spot in which it is sited. The walk, which begins at the Wharf in the Staffordshire town of Froghall visits Foxt, Whiston, Oakamoor, Lord's Bridge, Oldfurnace, Hawksmoor Wood and Froghall Bridge. The route shares sections with the Staffordshire Way and with the Staffordshire Moorlands Way.