Cloud 7 Circuit

A long distance walk of 34 miles. It is a strenuous walk named after the seven Cloud hills in the western Peak district regions of Cheshire and Staffordshire, covering the area set between Leek, Buxton, Macclesfield and Congleton. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Rushton Spencer
Distance: 34 miles (54 km)
Grid Ref: SJ935625
Climbing: 1,929 metres
Walk time: 12-17 hours
Days: 1-3

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Cloud 7 Circuit is a strenuous walk named after the seven Cloud hills in the western Peak district regions of Cheshire and Staffordshire, covering the area set between Leek, Buxton, Macclesfield and Congleton. From the starting point of the walk at Rushton Spencer the walk visits Axstones Spring, Gun, Pheasants Clough, Hen Cloud, The Roaches, Bearstone Rock, Black Brook, Gradbach Youth Hostel, Wildboarclough, Shutlingsloe, Macclesfield Forest, Shiing Tor, Lamaload Reservoir, Tegg's Nose Country Park, Tegg's Nose, Langley, Ridge Hill, Hill of Rossenclowes, Croker Hill, Golden Slack, Wincle Minn, Bosley Reservoir, Bosley, and The Cloud. The circuit shares sections of the route with some other long distance paths including the Gritstone Trail, Dane Valley Way and Staffordshire Way.

Useful Links:
A Story of the Walk
Long Distance Walkers Association

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