Coed Morgannwg Way

A long distance walk of 36 miles in Wales featuring the forests, ancient sites and industrial heritage of South Wales. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Gethin Woodland Park
Distance: 36 miles (58 km)
Grid Ref: SO052033
Climbing: 1,850 metres
Walk time: 16-24 hours
Days: 1-3

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Coed Morgannwg Way crosses part of the Coed Morgannwg, a complex of four upland forests visiting the Dare Valley and Craig y Llyn, climbing to several more viewpoints, to reach Afan Argoed Country Park. From here the route follows less elevated paths past a number of archaeological remains from prehistoric to industrial times. Near to Bodvic Stone the Way links with the Ogwr Ridgeway Walk. See St Illtyd's Walk. The Way is a dramatic walk of 36 miles which follows ancient tracks of Celtic origin and passes close by a number of Bronze and Iron Age settlements. Along the route there are several good viewpoints, from which you can see the Brecon Beacons and the Bristol Channel. The highest of these is Craig y Llyn which is 1,968 feet (600 metres) above sea level. (Source: LDWA)

Useful Links:
Long Distance Walkers Association

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