d'Arcy Dalton Way

A long distance walk of 66 miles which links the Oxford Canal towpath, the Oxfordshire Way, the Thames Path and the Ridgeway. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Wormleighton Reservoir
Distance: 66 miles (106 km)
Grid Ref: SP447517
Climbing: 1,412 metres
Walk time: 25-33 hours
Days: 4-6

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The d'Arcy Dalton Way is a long distance footpath which was created in 1986 to celebrate the Oxford Fieldpaths Society's diamond jubilee. It was named after Colonel d'Arcy Dalton, one of the founding members of the Society. The idea behind the Way was to form a link between the Oxford Canal towpath, the Oxfordshire Way, the Thames Path and the Ridgeway. The d'Arcy Dalton Way from the start at Wormleighton Reservoir to the finish at Waylands Smithy Long Barrow takes a north to south course in the counties of Warwickshire, Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire. The way visits Farnborough, Mollington, Shotteswell, Hornton, Alkerton, Shenington, Epwell, Sibford Ferris, Hook Norton, Great Rollright, Whispering Knights Burial Chamber and King's Men Stone Circle, Salford, Cornwell, Churchill, Lyneham Barrow, Bruern Abbey, Fifield, Tangley Hall, Great and Little Barrington, Westwell, Holwell, Filkins, Broadwell, Little Clanfield, Radcot Bridge (River Thames), Eaton Hastings, Coleshill, Longcot and Compton Beauchamp.

Useful Links:
d'Arcy Dalton Way Guide Book
Long Distance Walkers Association

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