Dartmoor Ancient Boundary Walk

A long distance walk of 50 miles. It is a magnificent route, visiting many of the iconic sites in Devon's premier National Park. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Rundlestone
Distance: 50 miles (80 km)
Grid Ref: SX574750
Climbing: 2,140 metres
Walk time: 20-25 hours
Days: 3-5

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Dartmoor Ancient Boundary Walk or Perambulation is a walk which marks the boundary of the ancient forest of the moor and is one of the oldest walks on Dartmoor. The walks starts in Rundlestone, just north of Princetown. From the start the route heads north to Great Mis Tor and across the fledgling River Walkham to Cocks Hill. Continuing north the walk passes Lynch Tor to reach Deadlake Foot from where Rattle Brook is followed to pass between Great Links Tor and Green Tor. The route then cuts north-east to Logan Rock, High Willays and Yes Tor. Next are West Mill Tor and Rowtor to reach the northern limit of the boundary walk at Watchet Hill near Belston. Then it is east to Cosdon Hill before heading due south across South Tawton Common to Little Hound Tor. Hound Tor, Wild tor and Watern Tor follow next and then in succession Magna Rock, Stonetor Hill, Three Boys Standing Stone, Fernworthy Reservoir, Water Hill, King's Oven, Cator Common, Dartmeet and Ryder's Hill. At Eastern White Barrow the walk reaches its most southerly point and returns to Rundlestone via Abbots Way, Siward's Cross, South Hessary Tor and Princetown.

Useful Links:
Dartmoor's Greatest Long Distance Walk (Book)
Moorland Ramblers Guide
Dartmoor Ancient Boundary Walk Facebook Group
Long Distance Walkers Association

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