Dartmoor Way

A long distance walk of 86 miles which makes a thorough exploration around the boundary of Dartmoor while visitng many of the popular towns and villages on the edge of the park. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Buckfastleigh
Distance: 86 miles (138 km)
Grid Ref: SX739662
Climbing: 3,504 metres
Walk time: 35-55 hours
Days: 5-8

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Dartmoor Way is a long-distance footpath and cycle route centred on the Dartmoor National Park in southern Devon, England. It is a circular route that encompasses upland and moorland walking, lanes, and also passes through towns and villages such as Okehampton, Chagford, Moretonhampstead, Buckfastleigh, Princetown and Tavistock. The recreational route takes cyclists through the varying landscape surrounding the High Moor, visiting attractive and interesting locations which offer a wide choice of places to eat, drink and stay for the night. The Dartmoor Way links with the Tarka Trail, West Devon Way and Two Castles Trail.

Useful Links:
Dartmoor Way
Encounter Walking
Long Distance Walkers Association

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