Dart Valley Trail

A walk of 13 miles in Devon which foloows the estuary of the River Dart upstream from Dartmouth to Totnes. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Dartmouth
Distance: 13 miles (21 km)
Grid Ref: SX878513
Climbing: 850 metres
Walk time: 4-6 hours
Days: 1

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The South Devon AONB organisation describes the Dart Valley Trail as a daylong ramble following the wooded banks of the broad and beautiful river Dart, on a route crammed with gems and jewels of human and natural history. They are correct in their synopsis of this wonderful walk in the far south-west of England. The route follows the river upstream from where the River Dart flows in to the English Channel at Dartmouth along its widest meandering stretch to Totnes. From beginning to end the route visits Old Mill Creek, Hole Copse, Great Copse, Balcombe Pits Copse, Fire Beacon Hill, Lower Dittisham, Higher Dittisham, East Cornworthy, Poor Bridge, Longland Cross, Cornworthy, Bow Creek, Tuckenhay, Bow, Ashprington and Linhay. Throughout its course the route shares the path with the John Musgrave Heritage Trail.

Useful Links:
South Devon AONB
Long Distance Walkers Association

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