Definitive Chatsworth Walk

A long distance footpath of 21 miles in Derbyshire which circles the estate of Chatsworth House and sometimes enters the estate by permissive paths. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Chatsworth House
Distance: 21 miles (34 km)
Grid Ref: SK257701
Climbing: 814 metres
Walk time: 7-10 hours
Days: 1-2

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Definitive Chatsworth Walk is an any-time challenge walk diesigned by Mike Warner, a member of the Long Distance Walkers Association. The walk is located in the heart of The Peak District National Park and specifically in the area surrounding Chatsworth House. From the nominal starting point of the circular walk at Chatsworth House Bridge the route visits, or passes close to Carlton Lees, Beeley, Swiss Lake, Stand Wood, Emperor Lake, The Hunting Tower, Dobb Edge, Robin Hood, Birchen Edge, Nelson's Monument and the Three Ships, Wellington's Monument, Eagle Stone, Baslow Edge, Curbar Edge, Froggatt Edge, Hay Wood, Grindleford, The Goit, Calver, Bubnell, Baslow, Pilsley and Edensor.

Useful Links:
Long Distance Walkers Association

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