Famous Highland Drove Walk

A long distance walk of 200 miles in Scotland using old drove roads. In the 1980's Irvine Butterfield led twenty nine Highland bullocks and a cow called Matilda along the route. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Glenbrittle
Distance: 200 miles (322 km)
Grid Ref: NG409225
Climbing: 9,034 metres
Walk time: 88-100 hours
Days: 14-18

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Famous Highland Drove Walk follows the path trodden by ancient drovers, a long distance coast-to-coast walk from the Isle of Skye to Crieff, Perthshire. In 1981 Irvine Butterfield led twenty nine Highland bullocks and a cow called Matilda along the route. Covering twelve miles a day across a variety of testing and breathtaking terrain the herd successfully covered the two hundred miles. The long journey goes through mountain ranges, upland passes, along riversides and through Scottish glens. The walk makes its way from Glenbrittle on the Isle of Skye to Crieff in Perthshire by way of Broadford, Glen Arroch, Abhainn a Ghlinne Bhig, Arniside, Kinloch Hourn, Loch Quoich, Glen Garry, Loch Lochy, Spean Bridge, Lairig Leacach, Glas Bheinn, Black Mount, Bridge of Orchy, Water of Tulla, Glen Lyon, Loch Tay, Killin, Glen Lednock, Comrie and the River Earn.

Useful Links:
Famous Highland Drove Walk Book
Long Distance Walkers Association

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