Gritstone Trail

A long distance walk of 35 miles in Cheshire and Staffordshire which focuses on the gritstone outcrops in this part of north-west Endland. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Disley
Distance: 35 miles (56 km)
Grid Ref: SJ972845
Climbing: 1,714 metres
Walk time: 14-18 hours
Days: 2-3

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Gritstone Trail is a long-distance footpath in England split into three stages. The first stage, 10.3 miles (17 km) in length, leads from Disley to Tegg's Nose; the second, of length 15.3 miles (25 km), from Tegg's Nose to Timbersbrook, is the best for obtaining a close look at gritstone scenery. The final stage of 9.3 miles (15 km) runs from Timbersbrook to Kidsgrove. (Source: Wikipedia)

Useful Links:
Gritstone Trail Walkers' Guide
Cheshire East Council
Long Distance Walkers Association

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