Holme Valley Circular Walk

A long distance walk of 24 miles which explores the edgelands of the Holme valley in West Yorkshire, much of it familiar to fans of the TV series 'Last of the Summer Wine'. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Berry Brow
Distance: 24 miles (39 km)
Grid Ref: SE136137
Climbing: 1,231 metres
Walk time: 9-14 hours
Days: 1-2

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Holme Valley Circular Walk begins in Berry Brow in the south of Hudderfield and circles the Holme valley in an anti-clockwise direction. It is a challenging walk with over 1,200 metres of climbing. From Berry Brow the walk visits Armitage Bridge, Honley, Netherthong, Holmfirth, Holme, Strines, Hepworth, Gate Foot, Thurstonland, Farnley Tyas and Castle Hill.

Useful Links:
My walk of part of the route
Long Distance Walkers Association

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