Howdenshire Way

A relatively flat long distance walk of 17 miles in the countryside of East Yorkshire which makes a complete circuit of the market town of Howden. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Eastrington
Grid Ref: SE786298
Distance: 17 miles (27 km)
Climbing: 10 metres
Walk time: 6-8 hours
Days: 1-2

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Howdenshire Way is a walking route around the market town of Howden in the flatlands region of East Yorkshire beside the River Ouse. In all the seventeen miles of walking there is no climbing to be done and though a full 10 metres of ascent shows on the digital map plots you are more likely to notice the bump of a molehill rather than any significant incline. This walk is as flat as they come. The Howdenshire Way begins from the car park at Eastrington Ponds Nature Reserve and from the start the walk, when taken in a clockwise direction, visits Balkholme, Kilpin, Kilpin Pike and Howdendyke. from here it follows the River Ouse past Howden Dyke Island to Boothferry Bridge. The river is then left by tracking north to Knedlington which is the nearest place to Howden visited during the walk. From Knedlington the walk continues west to Asselby and from Asselby the way heads due north to Newsholme before turning on a north-east course to Brind. From here a general east direction is taken back to Eastrington Ponds via North Howden, Caville Bridge and Burland Lane.

Useful Links:
Walking the Riding
Long Distance Walkers Association

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