Jubilee Walkway

A walk of 12 miles in Greater London which visits many famous parks and tourist attractions of the City of Londonin and including routes associated with the accession of Queen Elizabeth II. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Leicester Square
Grid Ref: TQ298807
Distance: 12 miles (20 km)
Climbing: 54 metres
Walk time: 4-6 hours
Days: 1

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Jubilee Walkway is an official walking route in London. It was originally opened as the Silver Jubilee Walkway to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II's accession; the Queen herself opened it on 9 June 1977 during her silver jubilee celebrations. The intention was to connect many of London's major tourist attractions and it is now one of seven such walks within the Mayor of London's strategic walking routes. The Jubilee Walkway Trust was set up in 1978 to look after the trail, in collaboration with local authorities. In 2002, during the Queen's golden jubilee, the renamed Jubilee Walkway (the word Silver was dropped as appropriate) reopened after refurbishment and a new spur walk was opened in 2003, called the Camden Loop, which took walkers into north-west London.

Highlights include: National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, Admiralty Arch, The Mall, Buckingham Palace, St James Park, Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, Thames Path National Trail, Aquarium, London Eye, South Bank Centre, Tate Modern, Millennium Bridge, Shakespeare Globe Theatre, Southwark Cathedral, HMS Belfast, Tower Bridge, St Katherine's Docks, Tower of London, Bank of England, Guildhall Art Gallery, Barbican, Museum of London, St Paul's Cathedral, Fleet Street, British Library, British Museum, John Soanes Museum, Royal Opera House, London Transport Museum and the National Portrait Gallery. Sites at Westminster and the Tower are World Heritage Sites.

Useful Links:
Transport for London
Long Distance Walkers Association

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