Leland Trail

A long distance walk of 32 miles in rural Somerset which visits popular places along the way including beautiful traditional villages and the sites of iron age and roman forts. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Alfred's Tower
Distance: 32 miles (51 km)
Grid Ref: ST745352
Climbing: 691 metres
Walk time: 12-15 hours
Days: 2-3

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Leland Trail is a long distance footpath in Somerset which runs from King Alfred's Tower in Penselwood to Stoke Sub Hamdon. From Alfred's Tower the walk heads to Bruton and continues to Castle Cary, North Cadbury (where Cadbury Castle Hill Fort can be visited), Queen Camel, West Camel. Yeovilton, Ilchester (Lindinis Roman Town), Montacute, Hamdon Hill Country Park and then to the finish in Stoke Sub Hamdon.

Useful Links:
Beaminster Ramblers
Long Distance Walkers Association

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