Llwybr Ceiriog Trail

A long distance walk of 23 miles in Wales, across beautiful remote countryside and designed to be completed in one day. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Pandy
Distance: 23 miles (37 km)
Grid Ref: SJ210344
Climbing: 1,254 metres
Walk time: 9-11 hours
Days: 1-2

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Llwybr Ceiriog Trail which was originally developed for horse riders is a challenging long distance walk. The route is circular and a mixed bag of farmland lanes, wild hills, woodland and sparse countrtyside. From Pandy the route heads for the hills south of the Vale of Llangollen before turning south and through lovely stretches of woodland to Bronygarth. The meandering return to Pandy is via a rounding of Pen y Gwely.

Useful Links:
Walks From The Hand
Long Distance Walkers Association

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