Maelor Way

A long distance walk of 24 miles in Cheshire and Shropshire which connects with many other walks including Offa's Dyke National Trail and the Sandstone Way. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Grindley Brook, Whitchurch
Distance: 24 miles (38 km)
Grid Ref: SJ522433
Climbing: 598 metres
Walk time: 9-12 hours
Days: 1-2

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Maelor Way begins at Grindley Brook near Whitchurch and heads west to the Offa's Dyke Path National Trail at Bronygarth, just beyond Chirk. From the start it crosses farmland to Hanmer Mere and Overton, then follows woodland trails alongside first the River Dee and then the River Ceiriog to Chirk. The Maelor Way links a series of further long distance footpaths, namely the Sandstone Trail, South Cheshire Way, Marches Way and Shropshire Way.

Useful Links:
Simon Hibbert
Long Distance Walkers Association

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