Mendip Ring

A long distance walk of 116 miles in Somerset which closely follows the boundary of the district of Mendip. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Ashcott Corner
Distance: 116 miles (187 km)
Grid Ref: ST449396
Climbing: 2,934 metres
Walk time: 48-58 hours
Days: 7-11

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Mendip Ring is a long distance which uses public footpaths and other rights of way to follow as closely as possible the boundary of the local government district of Mendip in Somerset. It was created by Mendip Ramblers and they have designed the Mendip Ring to visit towns, small villages, places of local historical interest, hill tops and the Somerset Levels. Places visited on the ring include Walton Hill, Compton Dundon, Butleigh, Baltonsborough, Barton St David, Keinton Manderville, East Lydford, Castle Cary, Batcombe, Kings Wood, Gare Hill, Chapmanslade, Frome, Rode, Norton St Philip, Faulkland, Kilmersdon, Chilcompton, Midsomer Norton, Farrington Gurney, Litton, East Harptree, Compton Martin, Beacon Batch (Black Down), Black Rock (Cheddar Gorge), Draycott, Rodney Stoke, Bleadney, Westhay and Walton.

Useful Links:
Mendip Ring Organisation
Mendip Ramblers
Long Distance Walkers Association

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