New Lipchis Way

A long distance walk of 38 miles in Hampshire and West Sussex. It features the Western Weald, South Downs and Sussex coastal plain. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Liphook
Grid Ref: SU842309
Distance: 38 miles (61 km)
Climbing: 870 metres
Walk time: 15-19 hours
Days: 3-4

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The New Lipchis Way is a long distance footpath which runs from Liphook in Hampshire to West Wittering in West Sussex. Running north–south across the Western Weald and South Downs to the Sussex coastal plain and Chichester Harbour the path crosses several geological rock strata and their associated soils and habitats. Landmarks on or near to the route include Elmers Marsh, Woolbeding Common, Midhurst, Cowdray Castle ruins, Heyshott, Levin Down, Singleton, Goodwood Racecourse, The Trundle Hill Fort (St Roche's Hill), Mid Lavant, Chichester (including the Cathedral and the city walls), Hunstan, Chichester Channel, West Itchenor and Chichester Harbour at West Wittering.

Useful Links:
New Lipchis Way Guide and Map (PDF)
New Lipchis Way website
Long Distance Walkers Association

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