North Worcestershire Path

A long distance path of 35 miles in Worcestershire which celebrates the north of the county. Starting in the Georgian town of Bewdley and ending in the suburbia of south Birmingham, the walk is rich in heritage and full of surprising beauty. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Bewdley
Distance: 35 miles (56 km)
Grid Ref: SO785753
Climbing: 1,306 metres
Walk time: 13-17 hours
Days: 2-3

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The North Worcestershire Path begins at the Georgian town of Bewdley, also the starting point for the Worcestershire Way. Running north along the River Severn to Eymore Wood near to the Trimpley Reservoirs, the route then heads east to Kingsford Country Park and Kinver Edge near the Staffordshire Way, before continuing east towards the Clent Hills. From the Clent Hills the route goes south to the densely wooded Lickey Hills, where it winds up through Scots Pine and native woodland past a visitor's centre. From the Lickey Hills the route winds roughly northeast, finishing in Major's Green. (Source: Wikipedia)

Useful Links:
North Worcestershire Path Walk Guide
Worcestershire County Council
Long Distance Walkers Association

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