Oxford Green Belt Way

A long distance path of 52 miles which explores the green belt around the university city of Oxford. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Thornhill Park and Ride
Grid Ref: SP565073
Distance: 52 miles (84 km)
Climbing: 665 metres
Walk time: 22-26 hours
Days: 4-5

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Oxford Green Belt Way is a circular long distance walk created by CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England) Oxfordshire in 2007 which was designed to highlight the importance of the Green Belt created around Oxford in the 1950's. The route provides excellent views of Oxford's "dreaming spires", as well as of Otmoor, Foxcombe Hill and Wytham Woods. The walk uses existing public rights of way. Overall, starting and finishing at theThornhill Park and Ride facility, the Oxford Green Belt Way visits Monk's Wood, Shotover Country Park, Horspath, Blenheim, Garsington, Toot Baldon, Nuneham Courtenay, Nuneham Park, Abingdon, Radley and Radley College, Sunningwell, Old Boars Hill, Cumnor, Filchampstead, Farmoor Reservoir, Swinford, Wytham Great Wood, Lower Wolvercote, Upper Wolvercote, Kidlington, Shipton-on-Cherwell, Woodeaton, Beckley, Stanton St John and Forest Hill.

Useful Links:
Oxford Green Belt Way Guide Book
CPRE Oxfordshire
Oxfordshire County Council
Long Distance Walkers Association

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