Preston Guild Wheel

A long distance path of 21 miles in Lancashire which forma circle around the boundary of the counties most northerly city. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: South Meadow Lane
Distance: 21 miles (34 km)
Grid Ref: SD538286
Climbing: 225 metres
Walk time: 8-10 hours
Days: 1

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Preston Guild Wheel is a walkway and cycleway that encircles Preston, linking the city to the countryside. The Guild Wheel route makes the most of the different landscapes that surround the city, creating a rich and varied environment for everyone to enjoy. From the beautiful woodland areas at Red Scar Wood and Boilton Wood in the east, alongside the gently meandering River Ribble to the south of the city and the historic splendour of the docklands area.

Useful Links:
Preston Guild Wheel Map
Lancashire County Council
Preston City Council
Long Distance Walkers Association

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