Ross Round

A long distance path of 18 miles in Herefordshire, the walk makes an exploration of the beautiful countryside surrounding the picturesque town of Ross-on-Wye. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Ross-on-Wye
Distance: 18 miles (29 km)
Grid Ref: SO595241
Climbing: 546 metres
Walk time: 7-9 hours
Days: 1

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Ross Round is a circuit around Ross-on-Wye, including the River Wye to ‘Hole in the Wall, then up across Eaton Park to reach the 'Burnt House’ with its Civil War connections, Crow Hill, Upton Bishop, Upton Crews, Weston Under Penyard, an old Roman town called ‘Ariconium’, Howle Hill and Cubberley, with an easier alternative from Weston. The original Ross Round is still waymarked and after Hartletree Water it turns off the URR and makes it's way via Bolitree Castle to the village of Weston under Penyard with The Weston Inn. The onward route then passes Weston Church and it is only a mile or so further before it joins up with the URR at Parkfields. (Source: LDWA)

Useful Links:
Guy's Rambles
Long Distance Walkers Association

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