Rotherham Round Walk

A long distance path of 25 miles in South Yorkshire, the walk explores the villages, surburbs, parks and countryside on the fringe of the town of Rotherham. Woodlands, moorland and riverside all feature, as do historic sites such as castles and locations of industrial heritage. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Rotherham
Distance: 25 miles (40 km)
Grid Ref: SK428928
Climbing: 635 metres
Walk time: 10-12 hours
Days: 1-2

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Rotherham Round long distance footpath is a 25-mile route which circles the South Yorkshire town. It leaves the town by heading south to Boston Castle and through Canklow Woods to reach countryside to the south of the town. During this section Treeton and Guilthwaite are visited and the M1 motorway is passed twice. Heading north and east and leaving the motorway behind the walk continues to Whiston and then an urban section through Wickersley, Listerdale and Breacks before following open paths through Gibbing Greave Wood to East Herringthorpe. Then the walk continues by crossing the River Don to Rawmarsh and continuing north and west to Nether Haigh, Upper Haigh and Hoober. Next is a delightful stretch of the walk south through Wentworth Woodhouse Deer Park which leads to a narrow countryside passage between Wingfield and Kimberworth Park which leads back to the starting point of the walk in Rotherham town centre.

Useful Links:
Henry's Rotherham Round
Long Distance Walkers Association

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