South Cheshire Way

A long distance path of 34 miles in Cheshire and Shropshire. Beginning at Grindley Brook and ending at Mow Cop, the walk crosses gorgeous countryside and visits places of interest such as Wirswall Hall, Wrenbury Station, Aston, Birchall Bridge, Lea Forge, Haslington Hall, the Trent and Mersey Canal and Little Moreton Hall. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Grindley Brook
Distance: 34 miles (55 km)
Grid Ref: SJ522433
Climbing: 617 metres
Walk time: 12-17 hours
Days: 2-3

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The South Cheshire Way is a long-distance footpath running east–west mainly through Cheshire, England, though parts lie in Shropshire and Staffordshire. The western section from Grindley Brook, near Whitchurch, runs through farmland; the eastern section from Mow Cop, near Biddulph, runs through low hills. The footpath is waymarked with black and yellow discs inscribed 'SCW'. From the start at Grindley Brook the route travels via Wirswall Hall, Wicksted Old Hall, Marbury, Smeaton Hall, Wrenbury Station, Aston, Broomhall Green, Mickley Hall, Austin's Bridge, Birchall Bridge, Bridgemere Lane, Birchenhill Wood, Lea Forge, Hough Common, Weston, Crewe Golf Course, Haslington Hall, the Trent and Mersey Canal, Thurlwood, Boden Hall, Little Moreton Hall and Ackers Crossing to the finish on the Old Man of Mow near Mow Cop. The path connects with several other long-distance paths, including the Maelor Way, the Staffordshire Way and the Sandstone and Gritstone Trails.

Useful Links:
Cheshire Now
Richard Jarvis's Walk of the South Bucks Way
Long Distance Walkers Association

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