Stour Valley Walk (Kent)

A long distance path of 51 miles which follows the course of the River Stour in Kent. Waymarked with a Heron logo the walk passes through gorgeous Kent countryside along the way. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Lenham
Distance: 51 miles (82 km)
Grid Ref: TQ899522
Climbing: 618 metres
Walk time: 20-25 hours
Days: 3-5

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The River Stour Walk is a long distance footpath which follows the course of the River Stour in Kent. The walk passes through some of Kent's finest landscapes, most important nature sites and most historic, unspoilt villages. The walk is waysigned with the logo of a heron. The route is of interest for its landscape and history, and for its archaeological, historical and architectural features. The walk passes through a varied landscape of downland, woodland, orchards, hop gardens and farmland; lakes, dykes and marshland; unspoilt villages and hamlets; and historic towns. From the beginning of the trail in Lenham the walk goes by Little Chart, Ripper's Cross, Ashford, Wye, Crundale, Shalmsford Street, Chartham, Canterbury, Fordwich, Upstreet, West Stourmouth, East Stourmouth, Wetmarsh and Sandwich to terminate at Shell Ness, Pegwell Bay.

Useful Links:
Tim Bertuchi's Stour Valley Walk
Explore Kent
Long Distance Walkers Association

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