Stour Valley Way (Dorset)

A long distance path of 60 miles in Dorset and Wiltshire which follows the course of the River Stour upstream from where it enters the English Channel near Bournemouth to its source at Stourhead. Beautiful villages, ancient sites and beautiful Nature Reserves all feature prominently along the way. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Hengistbury Head
Distance: 60 miles (97 km)
Grid Ref: SZ182912
Climbing: 1,284 metres
Walk time: 24-30 hours
Days: 3-5

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Stour Valley Way is a long distance footpath which follows the River Stour upstream as it winds through the Dorset countryside. From the beginning of the Stour Valley Way at Hengistbury Head the walk goes by Christchurch Harbour, tuckton, Iford, Holdenhourst, Throop, Muscliffe, Stour Valley Nature Reserve, West Parley, Millhams Mead Nature Reserve, Knighton, Canford Magma, Oakley, Pamphill, Sturminster Marshall, Shapwick, Spetisbury, Charlton Marshall, Charlton in the Hill, Blandford St Mary, Bryanston, Durweston, Stourpaine, Hod Hill Roman Fort, Hambledon Hill, Child Okeford, Hammoon, Fiddleford Mill, Sturminster Newton, Marnhull, Fifehead Magdalen, Stour Provost, West Stour, Gillingham, Silton and Bourton to its end at Stourhead Park near Stourton.

Useful Links:
Stour Valley Way
Long Distance Walkers Association

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