Suffolk Coast Path

A long distance path of 57 miles which follows the coast of Suffolk from Felixstowe in the south to Lowestoft in the north. Highlights of the walk include Orford Ness, Aldeburgh, Thorpeness, RSPB Minsmere, Southwold and Benacre National Nature Reserve. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Felixstowe
Grid Ref: TM313349
Distance: 57 miles (92 km)
Climbing: 387 metres
Walk time: 24-29 hours
Days: 4-5

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Suffolk Coast Path which was called the Suffolk Coast and Heaths Path prior to 2008 follows rights of way and permissive paths along the Suffolk Heritage Coast north from Felixstowe on river and sea walls and across marsh, heath, foreshore and low cliffs and via the foot ferry to Bawdsey. It follows the western bank of the River Ore inland from Orfordness up to Snape Maltings, before heading east down the northern side of the River Alde to regain the coast of the festival town of Aldeburgh and from there it follows the coast to Lowestoft South Pier. At Felixstowe, it connects with the Stour and Orwell Walk to provide links to the Stour Valley Path (East Anglia) and Essex Way at Manningtree. On OS mapping, Landranger maps show the Stour and Orwell Path combined while Explorer maps name them both. The Sandlings Walk takes a route generally inland from the Suffolk Coast Path that runs broadly parallel, particularly south of Snape towards Ipswich where the Sandlings route snakes across the inland heaths and forests, while the Path returns to the coast. Between Snape and Southwold the two routes meet and cross several times. Near Dunwich both routes skirt the RSPB Minsmere Nature Reserve, the Path here going along the coast and the Walk inland. These intersections provide for a number of circular options for shorter walks. (Source: LDWA)

Useful Links:
Annierak's walk of the Suffolk Coast Path
Long Distance Walkers Association

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