Sutherland Trail

A long distance path of 69 miles in north-west Scotland which passes through the spectacular landscape of Sutherland. Magnificent mountains such as Suilven, Foinavon and Ben Loyal can be admired from below, or climbed, the choice is yours on this fantastic walk. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Lochinver
Grid Ref: NC093224
Distance: 69 miles (111 km)
Climbing: 3,881 metres
Walk time: 30-38 hours
Days: 5-7

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Sutherland Trail is a long distance walk which traverses Great Britain's far north-west region. The trail was developed by Cameron McNeish and runs in a general south-west to north-east direction between Lochinver and Tongue. The walk is done mostly on trails and tracks with a little bit of off-trail walking and a few miles on minor tarmac roads. It passes close to the iconic and awe insiring hills of Sutherland like Suilven, Canisp, Ben More Assynt, Arkle, Foinaven, Ben Hope and Ben Loyal and though the route is designed as a long distance trail without the summits it is possible to climb them with deviations. Of course this option would add to the distance and considerably to the effort. On the designed route the Sutherland Trail goes by way of Lochinver, Glencanisp Forest, Loch na Gainimh, Gleann Dorcha, Lochan Fada, Bealach na Suileig, Stronechrubie, Inchnadamph, Loch Fleodach Coire, Bealach na h-Uidhe, Loch Poll Amhluaidh, Loch Bealach a Bhuirich, Loch na Gainmhich, Unapool, Kylesku Bridge, Loch Glencoul, Meall Diamhain, Reay Forest, Achfary, Loch Stack, Allt Horn, Bealach Horn, An Dubh-loch, Lochan Sgeireach, Glen Golly, Gobersnuisgach Wood, Strath More, Moine Path, Kinloch Lodge and Lochan Hakel to the finish in Tongue.

Useful Links:
Sutherland Trail Guides
Sutherland Trail Website
Walk Highlands
Long Distance Walkers Association

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