Swale Way

A long distance path of 78 miles in North Yorkshire which follows the course of the River Swale upstream, from its confluence with the River Ure near Boroughbridge to Kirkby Stephen, beyond the rivers source springs of Birkdale Beck and Great Sleddale Beck in the Yorkshire Dales. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Boroughbridge
Distance: 78 miles (126 km)
Grid Ref: SE396666
Climbing: 1,896 metres
Walk time: 30-39 hours
Days: 5-7

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Swale Way is a long distance footpath which follows a course tracing the River Swale upstream from Boroughbridge near the confluence with the Ure to the Swale's origin in the head of Swaledale near Keld, at the meeting of Birkdale and Great Sleddale Becks within the Yorkshire Dales National Park. For logistics purposes the route continues on from the source of the river to conclude in the market town of Kirby Stephen which lies within Cumbria. Though the Swale Way, due to a lack of rights of way, does not follow the river in entirely it does keep true to the Swale valley throughout. Places on route, from Boroughbridge, include Myton-on-Swale, Helperby, Brafferton, Eldmire Hill, Dalton, Sowerby, Thirsk, South Kilvington, Kirkby Wiske, Maunby, Morton-on-Swale, Thrintoft, Little Langton, Great Langton, Bolton-on-Swale, Catterick Bridge, Brompton-on-Swale, Easby (including Easby Abbey), Richmond (including Richmond Castle), Hudswell, Downholme, Grinton, Reeth, Gunnerside, Ivelet, Muker, Keld, Jenny Hill, Birk Dale, Birkdale Common and Hartley Fell before finishing in Kirkby Stephen.

Useful Links:
The Swale Way
Brigantes Walking Holidays
Long Distance Walkers Association

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