Taff Ely Ridgeway Walk (Ffordd y Bryniau)

A long distance path of 21 miles, the Taff Ely Ridgeway Walk (Ffordd y Bryniau) is a high level footpath in south Wales which covers a mixture of terrains. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Mynydd Maendy
Distance: 21 miles (34 km)
Grid Ref: SS977861
Climbing: 1,014 metres
Walk time: 8-10 hours
Days: 1

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Taff Ely Ridgeway Walk is walked over a mix of terrains, including footpaths, bridleways and lanes, which follows the crest of a line of hills running from Mynydd Maendy in the west, to Caerphilly Common in the east. The route passes through forests taking in ancient hill forts. There are links with the Rhymney Valley Ridgeway Walk at Caerphilly Common, the Taff Trail near to Taffs Well and the waymarked Ogwr Ridgeway Walk at the start, which joins the Coed Morgannwg Way. From the beginning of the walk at the roadside car park near Mynydd Maendy the route which tracks in a rough line from west to east involves Mynydd Hugh, Mynydd Portref, Mynydd Meiros, Mynydd Garthmaelwg, Talbot Green, Llantrisant, Gwern-y-Moel Uchaf, Craig Gwilym, Garth Hill, Taff Vale (Cwm Taf), Craig yr Allt and Caerphilly Common.

Useful Links:
Cardiff Ramblers
Long Distance Walkers Association

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