Tamar Valley Discovery Trail

A popular long distance path of 30 miles in Devon and Cornwall. It makes its way upstream through the valley of the River Tamar, which forms the boundary of the two most south-western counties of England. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Tamerton Foliot
Distance: 30 miles (48 km)
Grid Ref: SX470611
Climbing: 1,461 metres
Walk time: 12-15 hours
Days: 2-3

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Tamar Valley Discovery Trail is a long distance walking route along the valley of the River Tamar which marks much of the historic border between the west country counties of Devon and Cornwall. The Trail links with West Devon Way and Two Castles Trail to form a circuit of approximately 90 miles, dubbed the 'West Devon Triangle'. From the beginning of the Discovery Trail north of Plymouth at Tamerton Foliot the path heads north to Horsham and Blaxton to reach the River Tavy at Creekside. The Tavy is crossed from eastside to westside at Lopwell House and after a loop south skirting Whittacliffe Wood the trail resumes a north course once more to Bere Alston, after which the River Tamar is met for the first time at Calstock. Note a ferry was required to cross the river here but in recent yearts the serice has been unreliable. Check before you attempt the walk. (Please note if there is no ferry then the only way to cross the river at this point is by train between Bere Alston and Calstock) From the Calstock side of the River Tamar the route continues north by trails, lanes and roads to Gunnislake and then west to Bitthams and Chilsworthy before turning north again to Lastchley and then west once more to Luckett. Each time direction is governed by the natural sweep of the River Tamar. Northwards once more to Horsebridge where the river is reliably crossed by a roadbridge and the the trail continues by Sydenham Damerel, Milton Abbot and Lawhitton to the finish in Launceston.

Useful Links:
Picture the UK
Discovery Trail Guide and Maps
Long Distance Walkers Association

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