Teignmouth and Dawlish Way

A long distance path of 18 miles in Devon which visits the two popular seaside resorts and which ventures into the beautiful Devon countryside to the north of the towns. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Teignmouth Pier
Distance: 18 miles (29 km)
Grid Ref: SX942727
Climbing: 856 metres
Walk time: 7-9 hours
Days: 1-2

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Teignmouth and Dawlish Way is a circular walk around the two popular holiday resorts in South Devon. The circuit takes in a short stretch of seaside walking, a look at the Teign Estuary and also some of the quiet rural scenery and attractive villages near to Teignmouth and Dawlish. The walk originated as a way of celebrating Teignmouth and Dawlish Ramblers' 21st anniversary. From the begining of the circuit at Teignmouth Pier the circuit goes in a clockwise direction and visits New Quay, Old Quay and Teignmouth and Shaldon Bridge before heading inland via Broadmeadow and Coombe Lane to St John's Chapel (remains of), and White Well before reaching the Humber Down Plantation. The route then follows low moor trails to the villages of Luton and Ideford. Tower Lane is then followed north to Ideford Common and further north to Ashcombe Cross in Haldon Forest. The route then turns to eastwards past Ashcombe, Oakpark Wood and Langdon Barton before turing south and following Long Lane into Dawlish. A seaside amble can be enjoyed to Cowhole Rock and Old Maid Rock before heading inland once more and following lanes to the west of Holcombe back into Teighmouth and the finish beside the pier.

Useful Links:
Long Distance Walkers Association

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