Ver-Colne Valley Walk

A long distance path of 15 miles in Hertfordshire, the Ver-Clone Valley Walk is a walking route in Hertfordshire which follows the Ver and Colne rivers and which visits several former watermills and wildlife habitats along the way. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Redbourn
Distance: 15 miles (24 km)
Grid Ref: TL103120
Climbing: 91 metres
Walk time: 6-8 hours
Days: 1

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Ver-Clone Valley Walk is marked on OS Explorer mapping and is waymarked. From the beginning of the walk at Redbourne the walk follows the River Ver south via Redbournbury Mill, Shafford Farm and Bow Bridge to St Albans. Here it passes Vervlamivm Roman Town, The Lake, Cottonmill Bridge and Sopwell home Farm before heading south from St Albans to Park Street (How Wood), and to pass under the M25 London Orbital near Moor Mill (Colney Street) before heading to Meriden, north-east Watford. Here the River Ver is left and the last mile is travelled along the River Colne in Watford.

Useful Links:
Tim Bertuchi's Ver-Colne Valley Walk
Pete's Ver-Colne Valley Walk
Long Distance Walkers Association

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