
A long distance path of 83 miles in Kent and East Sussex which crosses the High Weald National Landscape. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Gravesend
Distance: 83 miles (134 km)
Grid Ref: TQ647744
Climbing: 1,965 metres
Walk time: 34-40 hours
Days: 5-8

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Wealdway is a long distance footpath in south-east England which makes its way through three Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and which connects the Thames Estuary with the English Channel through the Weald of Kent and Sussex. The Weald Way crosses chalk downlands, passes through river valleys and woodland (including Ashdown Forest) and across farmland. It links the North Downs Way at Trottiscliffe with the South Downs Way near to Eastbourne. There are also connections with other long distance routes including the Medway Valley Walk, Sussex Border Path and Diamond Way and the Greensand, Saxon Shore and Vanguard Ways. Some of the towns and villages visited on the route, from the beginning in Gravesend, include Sole Street, Vigo Village, Wrotham Heath, Platt, West Peckham, Tonbridge, Bidborough, Speldhurst, Fordcombe, Withyham, Fairwarp, Uckfield, East Hoathly and Hailsham before reaching the finish in Eastbourne.

Useful Links:
Wealdway Guides (Amazon)
Annierak's Wealdway Walk
Tim Bertuchi's Wealdway Way
Long Distance Walkers Association

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