West Devon Way

A long distance path of 35 miles, the way skirts the western edge of Dartmoor in a journey from Okehampton, via Tavistock, to Plymouth. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Okehampton
Distance: 35 miles (57 km)
Grid Ref: SX589953
Climbing: 1,287 metres
Walk time: 14-17 hours
Days: 2-3

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The West Devon Way is a waymarked long-distance footpath in South West England which is approximately 35 miles in length from the start in Okehampton to the finish in Plymouth. The route runs from the western fringes of Dartmoor National Park in moorland country towards Plymouth through gentler Devon countryside. It links with the Tarka Trail into North Devon, with the Dartmoor Way and with the Two Castles Trail. Places visited on the route include Sourton, Lydford, Mary Tavy, Tavistock, Yelverton and Bickleigh Vale.

Useful Links:
West Devon Way Guide and Map
Visit Dartmoor
Long Distance Walkers Association

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