West Pennine Way

A long distance path of 48 miles in Lancashire which thoroughly explores the West Pennine country to the north of Bolton and to the south of Blackburn. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Jumbles Reservoir
Distance: 48 miles (78 km)
Grid Ref: SD736139
Climbing: 2,482 metres
Walk time: 20-25 hours
Days: 3-5

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The West Pennine Way is a circular long distance walk which was devised by the Greenmount Village Community Hiking Group as a complement to the area and as a supplement to the Pennine Way. It covers the area of the West Pennine Moors of Lancashire to the north of Bolton. The walk begins at Jumbles Reservoir near Bolton and visits Turton Tower, Cheetham Close, Dimple Hall, Delph Reservoir, Higher Critchley Fold, Longworth Clough Nature Reserve, Ornamental Reservoir, Winter Hill, Counting Hill, Smithills Moor Woodland Trust, Mass Trespass Memorial Stone, Roscows Tenement Clough, Two Lads, Rivington Pike, Rivington Gardens, Pigeon Tower, Rivington, Yarrow Reservoir, High Bullough Reservoir, Anglezarke Reservoir, White Coppice, Great Hill, Roddlesworth Information Centre, Darwen Tower, Darwen Moor, Bull Hill, Hoddlesden Moss, Clough Head, Ogden Reservoir, Musbury Heights, Burnt Hill, Alden Ratchers, Bull Hill, Pigeon Cross, Holcombe Moor, Harcles Hill, Peel Tower, Greenmount and Affetside Cross.

Useful Links:
West Pennine Way website
Long Distance Walkers Association

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