Wey-South Path

A long distance path of 36 miles in Surrey and West Sussex which features the River Wey and the Wey and Arun Canal. Maps, statistics and gpx route file for the walk are included.

Google Maps Open Source Maps

Statistics and Files
Start: Millmead Lock, Guildford
Distance: 36 miles (58 km)
Grid Ref: SU995491
Climbing: 428 metres
Walk time: 15-18 hours
Days: 2-3

Ordnance Survey Explorer Map (1:25,000)

Summary: The Wey South Path is a Long Distance Path in Surrey and West Sussex, England. For part of its 32 mile route it follows the banks of the River Wey and of the Wey and Arun Canal. From the start in Guildford the route goes via Broadford Bridge, Stonebridge, Bramley, Run Common, Elmbridge, Fast Bridge ,The Three Compasses, Highbridge, Loxwood, Drungewick Lane, Newbridge, Harsfold, Stopham, Greatham, Houghton Bridge to the finish beyond Amberley.

Useful Links:
Annierak's Wey-South Walk
Keith Foskett's Wey-South Walk
Long Distance Walkers Association

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